Edible Book Festival
During ACES Open House
Saturday, April 5th from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Coordinated by the HRTM 4110: Meetings and Events Class:
The International Edible Book Festival, commonly known as Edible Book Day, is celebrated around the world on—or near—April 1. It brings together book lovers, food lovers, and book artists. Held since 2000, this global banquet is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Edible books are made and displayed at small events, photos are taken of the books, and the books are then eaten. The edible books must either look like books, include text that can be read, or be inspired in some way by a book. They must be entirely edible but can be of any size and be inspired by any type of book. The events are held at various locations around the world, such as museums, book art centers, bookstores, libraries, and cultural centers. Sometimes tickets are sold for the events, where money is raised for organizations related to books.
History of the International Edible Book Festival
This is the fifth year that the School of HRTM is participating in this event. This year's event will be judged in person with entries on display during the ACES Open House. Anyone is welcome to submit an entry. Download our flyer to share.
Below are links to other edible book festivals and submissions for inspiration or to learn more.
- Denver University Edible Book Festival 2020
- UMass Amherst Edible Book Festival 2020
- UC Berkeley Library Edible Book Festival 2019
- Illinois Library Edible Book Festival
Danielle Young
Email: danielly@nmsu.edu
Phone: 575-646-8099